Sexual Misconduct Interactive Resource Guide

For Students

Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA): (434) 977-7273

The Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) is a free, confidential, off-Grounds resource that serves anyone who has experienced or who cares for someone who has experienced sexual violence. 

SARA offers a 24/7 hotline to answer your questions and support you. When you call:

  • They will listen and not blame you.
  • They will answer your questions courteously and respectfully.
  • They will provide information about your options and rights. 
  • They will respect your feelings.

Additionally, SARA's confidential advocate is available to students on-Grounds. They can be accessed by calling the hotline at (434) 977-7273 and asking them to connect you with the confidential advocate assigned to UVA.  

Learn more about SARA on their website: